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Honoring Black History Month

Employee of PCP PrimeCARE Checkup Searcy
Written by Annie Keese
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With a passion and persistent desire to do good in our community, Farah Bradley, Dr. Latrisha Hall, and Dr. Mitzi Washington have thoughtfully lead our clinics for many years. We are incredibly proud of their contribution to our teams and the impact that their leadership has beyond our clinic and into the community.

As many organizations take a moment to honor Black History Month, we want to celebrate what has been achieved by black leaders through many generations. What incredible resilience and strength they have had to maintain! We appreciate the decades of work that it has taken to see changes in equality and diversity and acknowledge the challenges that are still present within our nation.

Our clinics desire and actively want to be a place of peace, where all races of people feel welcomed and cared for. The PrimeCARE family loves each other deeply and celebrates our differences, our histories, and our future together!

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

– Desmond Tutu

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